twenty-fifth sunday in ordinary time (B)








First Reading – (Wisdom 2:12. 17-20) – This passage tells how the godless plot to do away with the just man, the man of God, because his blameless life has become a reproach to them.


Responsorial Psalm – The Lord upholds my life.


Second Reading – (James 3: 16-4:3) Jealousy, ambition and self-seeking lead to disharmony and fighting. Gentleness, reasonableness and mercy lead to peace.


Gospel Reading(Mark 9:30-37) The Master had been telling his apostles that he must soon suffer bitter humiliation and death, but they have not grasped what he was saying. Instead they get involved in petty squabbling over who is the greatest among them.


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INTROUCTION: Dear brothers and sisters, in today’s Gospel Jesus calls us to be servants of all. With this in mind we now bring before God the Father, our own needs and those of the Church and the world.


The response isLord graciously hear us.   


We pray for all those called to leadership within the Church: that they may give an example of humble and loving service to all their brothers and sisters after the example of Christ. Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.


We pray for those affected by natural disasters: that those who have died may have eternal life, and those that were spared may receive the medical care, food and shelter which they urgently need. Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.


We pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life: that men and women may be inspired to dedicate their lives to the work of service in the Church and may respond generously to God’s call. Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.


We pray for each one of us here present: that we may learn to put other people before ourselves. Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.


We pray for all the sick of our families and our parish, those in hospital, in hospice or nursing home and those for whom we are asked to pray: that God may give them strength and fortitude, and bless those who care for them. Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.


We pray for the souls of all those whose anniversaries, months mind and birthday remembrances we are asked to recall, as well as those who have recently died: that they may receive the reward of their faith and enjoy the happiness of heaven. Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.


CONCLUSION: God our Father, hear the prayers we bring to you in childlike trust. Help us to acknowledge your greatness and to serve you with grateful hearts. We make this prayer and all our prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen.


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SICK Tom Fitzpatrick, Ann McKenna, Mary McKenna, Rose Gallagher, John Hegarty, Robert Kielty, Thérèse McKeand, Mary McCafferty, Edward McCafferty, Stuart Mason, Martin McGuire, David O’Hare, Ann & James Hannaway & Maureen Dolan.


I also ask your prayers for the sick and housebound

– those at home in our parish community, those in hospital,

and those in local nursing and care homes in Cambuslang, Halfway

& Blantyre and elsewhere. Our prayers for them

not only help in their suffering and pain but also reassure them

that they are not forgotten by our community of faith.

Our prayers help relieve their feelings of isolation and loneliness.

To be remembered before the Altar of God

brings them comfort and consolation.


Almighty and Eternal God, you are the everlasting health

of those who believe in you.

Hear us for your sick servants

for whom we implore the aid of your tender mercy,

that being restored to bodily health,

they may give thanks to you in your Church.

Through Christ our Lord.


Our Lady, Help of the Sick, pray for them.


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RECENTLY DEAD – David Ferguson (Requiem Mass, Tuesday 24th September 2024 at 10am), Tom Gallagher, Marie McSorley & May Mullen.


MONTHS MIND – Andrew Harkin.


ANNIVERSARIES – Michael Cunningham (First Anniversary), Lizzie Bradley, Joe McCauley, Patricia Wood, Paul Carroll & Frank Docherty.


BIRTHDAY REMEMBRANCE – John, James, Danny & Manus Coyle & Margaret McEwan.


Eternal Rest grant unto them, O Lord,

and let Perpetual Light shine upon them.

May they Rest in Peace. Amen.




Rev. Michael Sweeney 03/09/1959

Rev. Samuel McIsaac 03/09/1960

Rev. Thomas McCann 05/09/1972

Rev. Dominic McGlynn 22/09/1972

Rev. Michael Dooley 14/09/1974

Rev. Peter Gorman 15/09/1986

Mgr. Thomas Canon Fehily 16/09/1987

Very Rev. Daniel B. Canon White 01/09/1990

Rev. Dr. John McQuade 22/09/1990

Rev. Gerry Mackle 06/09/1996

Rev. James Boyle 14/09/2005

Rev Robert Curley 15/09/2005

Rev. William White 18/09/2005

Rev. Francis F. Darroch 11/09/2009

Rev. Martin O’Grady 30/09/2009

Very Rev. James Canon Foley 23/09/2015

Canon John Healey 29/09/2019


May the Lord who chose them to serve him as priests,

number them among his chosen in heaven.

Requiescant in Pace.


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On Monday we celebrate the memorial of St Pio of Pietrelcinafirst stigmatized Capuchin priest in the history of the Catholic Church. A permitted memorial on Thursday is that of Saints Cosmas and Damian. Their names have been included since the early centuries in the first list of Saints, and there is good evidence that saints of these names were martyred at Cyrrhus in Syria early in the church’s life.  Later legend made them saintly doctors who treated the poor and died for the faith after terrible torments. Friday is the memorial of St Vincent de Paul (+1660). The influence on the life of the Church of this 17th century French figure was great. The foundation of the Vincentian Order (present for many years in St. Mary’s, Lanark) dedicated to parish missions and to seminary education, and the establishment of the Daughters of Charity, were only a part of the work of this humble parish priest.  100 years after his death in 1730 he became the inspiration of the work of the St Vincent de Paul Society. On Saturday we are permitted a memorial of either the Czech prince and martyr Wenceslaus or St Laurence Ruiz, who suffered martyrdom in Nagasaki in the 17th century.


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feast of st. cadoc


On Wednesday (25th September) we shall also honour our patron Saint Cadoc, a Welsh bishop and martyr. Cadoc is also called Docus, Cathmael, and Cadvael. He founded his first monastery at Llancarfan near Cardiff, and from there he went to Ireland to study for three years. Returning to Wales, he studied with Bachan, a teacher of rhetoric from Italy. He then travelled to Scotland where he founded a monastery at Cambuslang. Back to Llancarfan, his influence helped it to grow into one of the chief monasteries in South Wales.


One tradition has it that he went on pilgrimage to Rome, but more certain is the knowledge of time spent in Brittany, in France. He settled there on an island in the Etel river, now called L’lle de Cado, where he built an oratory, founded a monastery and devoted himself to spreading the Gospel. This monastery became quite important, although this may have occurred after his time. According to legend, the island was invaded by some pirates who destroyed the monastery and Cadoc was forced to flee. He returned to Llancarfan, was consecrated bishop and remained there until he became too old to govern the monastery. It is thought he spent his latter years at “Beneventum”, the location of which is not known. He was martyred by the Saxons near Weedon, England.


Weather permitting, children from St. Cadoc’s Primary School will be attending the 10am festal Mass on Wednesday. We pray that God may, through the intercession of St. Cadoc, bless our efforts to be a community of faith that is alive in Christ and may he continue bless us all in all that we do.


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Thank you to all those parishioners who joined me on Tuesday (17th September 2024) evening for our pastoral planning committee meeting and for all of their feedback on the topics discussed.


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This will be the last weekend if you would like to contribute towards the annual collection to for the education of our future priests and permanent deacons.


We are blessed with a good number of seminarians in Motherwell diocese at present but it is expensive to prepare them for priesthood. A box intended for the collection for the ecclesiastical students’ fund is situated at the back of the church. I hope you will contribute with your usual generosity to this collection. 


We wish our seminarians well as they continue their studies. Christopher Igwe, who is at St Mary’s College, Oscott, returns for his final term. Christopher will be ordained deacon in Oscott on 14th December. Our other three seminarians, Kieran Burt, Matthew O’Neill and Aidan Kelly, return to Rome this month.


We also continue to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life that men and women may be inspired to dedicate their lives to the work of service in the Church and may respond generously to God’s call.


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We began the Children’s Liturgy of the Word once again at 10am Mass (except school holidays) from the beginning of September. I encourage parents, guardians & carers to bring their children to the church to participate in our children’s liturgy. Our young ones are the future of our parish. Their participation in parish activities, such as the children’s liturgy, is an important step in their faith formation. It is my humble and hearty request to parents, guardians & carers that you bring your children to a Sunday Mass on a regular basis.


We currently have a dedicated team of four Children’s Liturgists who lead the Liturgy of the Word discussions with our young people on a weekly basis. Two Liturgists attend each week to work with our young ones. Thanks to all those who have helped us in the Children’s Liturgy matters in previous years. We are looking for more volunteers. If any of you are interested in helping with the Children’s Liturgy Ministry on a Sunday, please contact Fr. Cirilo as soon as possible.


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There will be a meeting of the parents, guardians & carers of St. Cadoc’s and St. Charles’ School children who are preparing to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion & Confirmation. This meeting will take place in St Cadoc’s Church on Tuesday 1st October 2024: First Reconciliation (Confession) Meeting at 6pm, First Holy Communion at 6.35pm & Confirmation (St. Cadoc’s Primary) at 7.05pm. I ask all parents, guardians & carers of the children to be at this meeting.


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Please help your parish. New readers are required for weekday and weekend Masses (more especially for Sunday 11.30 Mass). If you are able to be part of this important ministry, then please contact Mrs. Anne Moran, our readers’ rota organiser, or Fr. Cirilo.


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It’s so simple. If you are a tax payer, normally come to Church, and are prepared to put your money offering in a confidential numbered envelope (or pay by Standing order) and sign a simple form, then the parish can (at no cost to yourself) reclaim the tax you have already paid on that offering. For every pound you give, your parish will get back an additional 25 pence from the Inland Revenue. Thanks are extended to all those who have answered our appeal and have committed to gift-aid their offerings. Anyone wishing to join the scheme, please contact Jim Cunningham, our parish Gift Aid organiser or Fr. Cirilo. Alternatively, you can contribute to the Sunday Mass collections via a direct debit or standing order arrangement with your bank. Thank you once again for your enduring generosity and support. 


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parking in the streets

surrounding the church


Unfortunately, parishioners of St. Cadocs’ who drive to church are in a situation where there is no private parking within the church grounds. The streets surrounding the church   therefore invariably become congested with parked cars especially at weekend Mass times. Whilst acknowledging the limitations of parking in relation to the church, I would ask those drivers attending services to consider the needs of local residents to have unimpeded access to their properties when choosing where to responsibly park. You can also use our car park which is situated behind the church. It can accommodate 6 cars.



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22nd September 2024: “In union with Our Lady of Walsingham, whose feast day we celebrate on Tuesday, we pray for pregnant women who feel they are facing a difficult decision. We ask that they may be given hope, filled with the love of God, and guided away from a course of despair and onto one of love and acceptance of the gift of life.”


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an act of spiritual communion


 (St. Alphonsus Liguori)


(This is a simple and loving act of Spiritual Communion we are called to make in these times,

while we are unable to attend Mass and receive the Eucharist)


My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.

I embrace you as if you were already there

and unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.


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prayer to st. michael


St. Michael the Archangel,

defend us in the day of battle.

Be our safeguard against the wickedness

and snares of the Devil.

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,

and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Hosts,

by the power of God, cast into Hell Satan, and all the evil spirits

who prowl the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.






bunch of flowers, bouquet de fleurs



Holy mary, mother of god,

 st. Joseph,

st. Michael and holy angels,


Pray for us