Sunday Masses: Saturday Vigil Mass at 5pm; Sunday at 10am & 11.30am.


WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday to Friday at 10am.


SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION): Anytime on request and Saturday 4.15pm – 4.45pm.


SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: To enquire or arrange a baptism, please contact the parish by phoning the parish number from Tuesday to Friday between 4pm - 6pm.


SICK & HOUSEBOUND - Please inform me (Fr. Rodrigues) if you, or someone you know, would like a home visit from a priest, and please provide me with the relevant name, address and phone number.


SACRAMENT OF CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE: Couples intending to marry should contact the Priest for arrange a date. By Diocesan policy, this must be done at least six months in advance.


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First Reading – (1 Samuel 1: 20-22, 24-28) – This reading deals with the birth of Samuel and his consecration to God. Every child should be seen as a gift from God.


Responsorial Psalm – Blessed are they who dwell in your house, O Lord.


Second Reading – (1 John 3:1-2, 21-24) – This reading tells us that we are God’s own children and he has a wonderful destiny in store for us. We should, therefore, respond by living a life that befits a child of God.


Gospel – (Luke 2:41 – 52) – This relates the episode in which the twelve year old Jesus got lost in Jerusalem. It shows how, even in the best of families, hurtful misunderstandings can occur.


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INTROUCTION: Dear brothers and sisters, inspired by the faith and devotion of the Holy Family, let us now pray to God the Father for the needs of family of the Church, our families and our world.


The response isLord graciously hear us.   


We pray for the whole family of the Church: that as we look to Jesus, Mary and Joseph on this day, we may see one another as brothers and sisters in the Lord. Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.


We pray for those in positions of leadership: that they may promote initiatives that support life and families. Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.


We pray for all families especially those struggling to cope with the demands and difficulties of domestic life: that they may be strengthened by the example and prayers of the Holy Family and know our concern for them. Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.


We pray for our own families: that God may unite and guide us in the times of difficulties, and receive our thanksgiving and praise in the times of blessings. Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.


We pray for all the sick of our families and our parish, those in hospital, in hospice or nursing home and those for whom we are asked to pray: that God may be their strength and grant them health, and bless those who care for them. Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.


We pray for the souls of all those whose anniversaries, Christmas remembrances & birthday remembrances and months mind we are asked to recall, as well as those who have recently died: that they may receive the reward of their faith and enjoy the happiness of heaven. Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.


CONCLUSION:  God our Father,  as we celebrate the example of the Holy Family, who lived and prayed together, we ask you to hear these prayers that we bring before you, and in your wisdom grant what we truly need. We make this prayer and all our prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen.


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SICK - Rona McPhee, Mary McKenna, Rose Gallagher, Robert Kielty, Thérèse McKeand, Mary McCafferty, Edward McCafferty, Stuart Mason, Martin McGuire, David O’Hare & James Hannaway.


I also ask your prayers for the sick and housebound

– those at home in our parish community, those in hospital,

and those in local nursing and care homes in Cambuslang, Halfway

& Blantyre and elsewhere. Our prayers for them

not only help in their suffering and pain but also reassure them

that they are not forgotten by our community of faith.

Our prayers help relieve their feelings of isolation and loneliness.

To be remembered before the Altar of God

brings them comfort and consolation.


Almighty and Eternal God, you are the everlasting health

of those who believe in you.

Hear us for your sick servants

for whom we implore the aid of your tender mercy,

that being restored to bodily health,

they may give thanks to you in your Church.

Through Christ our Lord.


Our Lady, Help of the Sick, pray for them.


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SICK – Rose Gallagher, John Hegarty, Robert Kielty, Thérèse McKeand, Mary McCafferty, Edward McCafferty, Stuart Mason, Martin McGuire, David O’Hare, Ann & James Hannaway & Maureen Dolan.


RECENTLY DEAD – Ruth Hamilton, Peter Bart, Jack Morrison, Stuart Rankin & Patrick Smith.


MONTHS MIND – Anne Hannaway, Andrew Harkin, Thomas Burke, John Hegarty, Leslie Karen McWilliams,


ANNIVERSARIES – Thomas Tinman (1st Anniversary), Peter Carton (1st Anniversary), Helen Clements (2nd Anniversary), Maureen McNulty (2nd Anniversary), Jean Coyle (10th Anniversary), Charlotte McManus, Patrick Innes (50th Anniversary), James McCluskey (51st Anniversary), Anna McNeary, Charlie Chambers, Agnes & Hugh McCauley, James McCauley, Peter Jordon, Janet Eberle, May Murphy, Anna Ferguson, William O’Rourke, Charlotte McManus, Stephen McGurk (Snr & Jnr), Patrick Harkin, Janet Harkin, Harry Harkin, James Boyle, Mary Hillhouse, Agnes & John Boal, Elizabeth Gregson & James Connelly.


CHRISTMAS REMEMRANCES – Claire-Ashley Blake, James & Bella Connor, John Connor, James & Margaret Coyle, John, James, Danny & Manus Coyle, Margaret McEwan, Connor & Coyle Families, Richard & Helen Campbell, Nessie & John McLaughlin, Helen & Michael Donnelly, Annie & Willie Hendry, The Campbell Family, Fr. Patrick Brosnan, Grace & John Reynolds, David & Ellen Reynolds, Bill & Ellen Reynolds, Charles & Mary Goldie, Bill & May Goldie, Jack & Joan Goldie, The Logue Family, John Reid, Bridie Irvine, Helen & Samuel Clements, Dr. James Clements, Wiggins & Donnelly Families, Jim Doyle, Tommy & Chrissie Doyle, Jimmy & Betty Callaghan, Jimmy & Jenny Scullion, John Hourigan, The Hastings Family, Sadie Kirk, Catherine Hughes, Joan Hughes, John & May Burns, Andy Chrissie & James McEwan, Peter & May Deighan, Norah O’Driscoll, Gordon Hunter, Pat McFadyen, Isabella Cairney, David Campbell, Frank McFadyen, Billy McFadyen, Con O’Driscoll, Neil & Christina Kelly, John Goodwin & Helen Goodwin, Jenny McCafferty, William McCafferty, James McCafferty, John Paul Chambers, Jackie Reilly, Anne Collins, Marie Reynolds, McFadden & Reilly Families, Thomas & Agnes McCormick, Thomas McCormick (Jnr), David & Esther O’Hare, Charlie Rafferty, Betty Peacock & Helen Theresa Boyle.



Eternal Rest grant unto them, O Lord,

and let Perpetual Light shine upon them.

May they Rest in Peace. Amen.




Bishop Francis Thomson 06/12/1987

Rev. Hugh Macdonald 28/12/1950

Rev. John McLaughlin 03/12/1951

Rev. Daniel Colvin 08/12/1951

Rev. William Flanagan 23/12/1958

Rt. Rev. Monsignor Thomas N. Canon Taylor 01/12/1963

Rev. John Cusick 07/12/1965

Very Rev Thomas P. Canon Kelly 07/12/1969

Very Rev. Thomas J. Canon O’Neill 19/12/1975

Rev. James Fisher 04/12/1977

Rev. Ian McLaughlin 03/12/1981

Rev. John C. Brady 08/12/1982

Rev. Angus Mackellaig 11/12/1992

Rev. James Gerard Higgins 17/12/2006

Rev. John Taylor 10/12/2011

Rev. Michael Cunnane 05/12/2014

Rev. Deacon John Ferguson 31/12/2014

Rev. James Naughton 09/12/2016

Rev. Michael O’Leary 03/11/2017

Rev. John Doherty 08/12/2019

Rev. Martin O’Keefe 27/12/2019

Rev. John Breslin 29/12/2019

Rev. Patrick Walsh 20/12/2020


May the Lord who chose them to serve him as priests,

number them among his chosen in heaven.

Requiescant in Pace.


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Mass will be at 10am.


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At this time of year I (Fr. Jose Cirilo Rodrigues) would like to thank once again all those who have treated me so kindly with greetings, gifts, food, prayers and best wishes during the Christmas week. I also extend my thanks to all (too numerous to mention) who have contributed to make our Advent special by their prayerful sharing in our seasonal liturgies and the feast of Christmas meaningful by their faithful participation. The simple beauty of our liturgical environment and our community prayers come together because of the rich personal gifts, talents and dedication of many in our parish. As the priest of the parish, I would like to emphasise how much I appreciate and depend upon your continued help and support in the smooth running of the parish throughout the year.


Daily I pray for every member and well-wisher of St. Cadoc’s. Over this Christmas season, you and your families, especially those, who may be struggling, will continue to be an important part of my prayer. May God bless you and your loved ones with prosperity, good health and happiness in the New Year 2025.


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Next weekend we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord. This feast is one of the most ancient feasts in the Church’s calendar, dating from the 3rd century. The word Epiphany comes from the Greek epiphaneia, and means manifestation or revelation. We celebrate Christ’s epiphany to the Gentiles, represented by the Magi or three kings. According to tradition their names were Melchior, Gaspar and Balthasar, and they travelled from Persia or Chaldea (modern-day Iran). The gifts which they brought with them are symbolic of Christ’s life: Gold for king, Incense for a priest, and Myrrh for someone who would suffer and die. Masses will be as usual: Saturday Vigil 5pm; Sunday 10am &11.30am. 


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The Christmas season continues this week. Wednesday (1st January) New Year’s Day, is the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God. St. Basil and St. Gregory Nazianzen, two great saints of the Eastern Church, are honoured on Thursday. Friday is the optional memorial of Holy Name of Jesus. Devotion to the Holy Name is deeply rooted in the Sacred Scriptures, especially in the Letter to the Philippians (see 2:9). It was promoted in a special manner by St Bernard, St Bernardine of Sienna, St John Capistrano and by the Franciscan Order.



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A big thanks to all the children who took part in our Christingle Service on Christmas Eve. It was great to so many children participating in the service. Special thanks also to the Children’s Liturgy Helpers who gave their time to train the children for the service. My thanks, too, to the parents, grandparents, guardians, carers and others who attended the service and generously donated Christmas gifts and presents for the less fortunate ones in our communities.


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Crib offerings will go as always to St. Margaret’s Adoption and Child Care Society. The donations they receive from the Crib Appeal each year helps them enormously to support their adoptive families and to recruit and train new adopters for children in need of forever families. Please remember an offering for this worthy cause when visiting the crib.


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Liturgy rota for Readers (January – March 2025) for 5pm (Saturday) &10am & 11.30am (Sunday) Masses is available in the sacristy. Please collect a copy before or after any of the Sunday Masses. Thanks to Mrs Anne Moran for giving her time to prepare the readers rota. If you are able to be part of this important ministry, then please contact Mrs. Anne Moran or Fr. Cirilo.


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Thank you for your offerings and donations for the upkeep of your church and parish’s ministry on Christmas day. I know there are many demands placed on you at this time of the year, especially financial ones, and so I appreciate all you give to support the smooth running of the parish. Thank you for your ongoing generosity to the parish during the Christmas Season and the rest of the year. All your contributions are greatly appreciated. May the peace and joy of the Infant Lord be with you and all your loved ones.


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parish website


We thank Pat Moran for all his help in updating our parish website every week. Our website gets updated every weekend and, normally, includes a copy of the weekly Parish Bulletin.


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We will resume again the Children’s Liturgy sessions on Sunday 26th January 2025 at 10am Mass.


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Pope Francis will begin the Jubilee Year 2025 on Christmas Eve in St Peter’s Basilica in Rome as he opens the Holy Door. The Opening in all Dioceses across to the world is to be today, 29th December 2024, on the Feast of the Holy Family.

The Opening Ceremony in Motherwell Diocese will begin at 1pm at St Francis Xavier’s, Carfin, from where a group of young people will process with the Holy Year Cross to Our Lady of Good Aid Cathedral. The rest of those attending will join the procession behind the Cross at St Bride’s Centre and proceed to the Cathedral. The Opening Mass will begin then at 3pm. An invitation is extended to everyone in the Diocese and it hoped it will be a great beginning for this special year under the logo Pilgrims of Hope.


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We are well into the cold season now. Keeping warm over the winter months is vital for both the well-being of those attending the church, regardless of how full or not the pews may be, as well as the protection of the fabric of the building from both surface and interstitial condensation. Irrevocably this means high heating bills.


Since the aftermath of Covid-19, the cost of living, from buying groceries to heating our church and presbytery, has been on the rise sharply every day. Overall, our expenditures have increased faster than income. Our parish relies entirely on your contributions to pay our bills. I kindly appeal to your generosity to add an extra pound or two to your weekly contributions to help defray, in particular this winter, the high costs of energy bills. A big thank you to those of you who have already increased your regular giving to help defray the rising energy bills. 


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It’s so simple. If you are a tax payer, normally come to Church, and are prepared to put your money offering in a confidential numbered envelope (or pay by Standing order) and sign a simple form, then the parish can (at no cost to yourself) reclaim the tax you have already paid on that offering. For every pound you give, your parish will get back an additional 25 pence from the Inland Revenue. Thanks are extended to all those who have answered our appeal and have committed to gift-aid their offerings. Anyone wishing to join the scheme, please contact our parish Gift Aid organiser or Fr. Cirilo. Alternatively, you can contribute to the Sunday Mass collections via a direct debit or standing order arrangement with your bank. Thank you once again for your enduring generosity and support. 


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29th December 2024: “The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph) - “Let us pray for all those worried about not having the resources to support their new baby, that they would have the faith of Mary and Joseph that God will provide and watch over them.”


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(St. Alphonsus Liguori)


(This is a simple and loving act of Spiritual Communion we are called to make in these times,

while we are unable to attend Mass and receive the Eucharist)


My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.

I embrace you as if you were already there

and unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.




St. Michael the Archangel,

defend us in the day of battle.

Be our safeguard against the wickedness

and snares of the Devil.

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,

and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Hosts,

by the power of God, cast into Hell Satan, and all the evil spirits

who prowl the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.








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Holy mary, mother of god,

 st. Joseph,

st. Michael and holy angels,


Pray for us