feast of the baptism of the lord (C)








First Reading – (Isaiah 40: 1-5, 9-11) – The prophet is urged to deliver a message of hope and consolation to the exiles in Babylon. Like a shepherd caring for his sheep, God is coming to save his people.


Responsorial Psalm – Bless the Lord, O my soul! My God, how great you are!


Second Reading – (Titus 2: 11-14, 3:4-7) – This reading talks about the kind of life the baptised should live and the kind of ambitions that should motivate them. Salvation, with its hope of eternal life, is a gift from God through Jesus Christ.


Gospel Reading – (Luke 3:15-16, 21-22) – This reading gives us a snatch of John the Baptist’s preaching and concludes with a brief account of the Baptism of Jesus.



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INTROUCTION: Dear brothers and sisters, as God’s sons and daughters born of water and the Spirit, let us bring our prayers to God the Father, whose Spirit renews the face of the earth.


The response isLord graciously hear us.   


We pray for the Church: that it may continue to that it may always welcome those seeking God’s grace through the sacraments with open arms and a joyful heart. Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.


We pray for those who have been affected by recent natural disasters throughout the world: that those who have died may have eternal life, and those that were spared may receive the medical care, food and shelter which they urgently need. Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.


We pray for Christians and for those of other faiths who are being persecuted for their beliefs: that they people of faith may lead the way to a better understanding of one another. Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.


We pray for ourselves: that we may renew the commitment of our own baptism, renouncing sin and promising to serve God faithfully in his holy Church. Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.


We pray for all the sick of our families and our parish, those in hospital, in hospice or nursing home and those for whom we are asked to pray: that God may give them strength and fortitude, and bless those who care for them. Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.


We pray for the souls of all those whose anniversaries, months mind and birthday remembrances we are asked to recall, as well as those who have recently died: that they may receive the reward of their faith and enjoy the happiness of heaven. Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.


CONCLUSION: God our Father, we thank you for making us your children. Hear the prayers we make today in the name of Jesus, your beloved Son in whom you are well pleased. We make this prayer and all our prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen.


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SICK Rona McPhee, Ann McKenna, Mary McKenna, Rose Gallagher, Robert Kielty, Thérèse McKeand, Mary McCafferty, Edward McCafferty, Stuart Mason, Martin McGuire, David O’Hare & James Hannaway.


I also ask your prayers for the sick and housebound

– those at home in our parish community, those in hospital,

and those in local nursing and care homes in Cambuslang, Halfway

& Blantyre and elsewhere. Our prayers for them

not only help in their suffering and pain but also reassure them

that they are not forgotten by our community of faith.

Our prayers help relieve their feelings of isolation and loneliness.

To be remembered before the Altar of God

brings them comfort and consolation.


Almighty and Eternal God, you are the everlasting health

of those who believe in you.

Hear us for your sick servants

for whom we implore the aid of your tender mercy,

that being restored to bodily health,

they may give thanks to you in your Church.

Through Christ our Lord.


Our Lady, Help of the Sick, pray for them.


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RECENTLY DEAD – Fr. Bill Nolan (A Mill Hill Missionary), Albert Barry (Ireland), Lucia Meechan, Kevin Laing & Helen Shields.


MONTHS MIND – Ruth Hamilton.


ANNIVERSARIES – Bill Gibson, Celia Wilson, Hugh Farrell, Elizabeth Gregson, James Connelly & McInulty & Coyle Families.




Eternal Rest grant unto them, O Lord,

and let Perpetual Light shine upon them.

May they Rest in Peace. Amen.




Very Rev. James Canon McKenna 30/01/1949

Rev. William J. Smith 16/01/1961

Rev. Patrick Plunkett 20/01/1963

Rev. Peter Aloysius Murie 11/01/1964

Rev. Thomas McGhie 13/01/1965

Rt. Rev. Patrick Monsignor McGonagle 20/01/1970

Rev. Daniel McGlinchey 21/01/1972

Rev. Thomas Sheehan 22/01/1975

Rev. Anthony Donnelly 30/01/1982

Rev. Gerald B. McColgan 25/01/1987

Very Rev. James Canon Kilpatrick 04/01/1989

Very Rev. Bernard Canon Keenan 02/01/1992

Rev. James Quinn 10/01/1994

Rev. James Boyle 31/01/1998

Very Rev. John Canon Sheridan 06/01/1999

Very Rev. George Canon Fryer 20/01/1999

Rev. Isaac McLaren 11/01/2001

Very Rev. John Canon Gallagher 22/01/2003

Rev. James Small 14/01/2004

Rev. Jeremiah O'Riordan 11/01/2006

Very Rev, Thomas Canon Barry 26/01/2006

Very Rev. Henry Canon Allison 03/01/2013

ery Rev. George Canon Boyd 22/01/2013

Rev. Joseph Brannigan 02/01/2014

Very Rev. Henry Canon McGinn 14/01/2014

Rev. Leo Muldoon 27/01/2014

Very Rev Edward Canon Glackin 18/01/2016

Rev. Brian Donnelly 26/01/2016

Rev. Patrick McGovern 17/01/2017

Very Rev. Noel Canon Carey 09/01/2018

Very Rev Joseph Canon Clements 05/01/2023

Rev. John Farrell 14/01/2024


May the Lord who chose them to serve him as priests,

number them among his chosen in heaven.

Requiescant in Pace.


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The Christmas Season concludes today as we celebrate the event which marks the beginning of the public mission of Christ – his Baptism by John the Baptist in the river Jordan and the coming of the Spirit upon him. It is a day to reflect on the promises that were made on our behalf on the day of our Baptism by our parents and godparents, and an opportunity to ask ourselves how well we live out those promises.


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Tomorrow we enter upon the Ordinary Season of the Church’s year. The liturgical colour is Green, representing life and growth.



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Monday 13th January, is the Feast of St. Kentigern, patron of Glasgow.  Also known as Mungo; Kentigern appears to have founded a Christian centre at Glasgow in the 6th Century. Popular devotion at his tomb by the Molendinar Burn and the erection of a Glasgow bishopric led to the building, between the 12th and 15th Centuries, of the wonderful Cathedral we can still visit today.  Its design was intended to allow hundreds of pilgrims at a time to visit the shrine and tomb of the saint and hear Mass at one of the altars. Why not visit and pray in the church of our city’s founder and patron? On Friday we remember St Anthony, 251-356, a hermit of the Arabian desert. He was famous for his self-discipline, his struggles with temptation, his wisdom and good sense, his opposition to heresy and his friendship with St. Athanasius who wrote his life story. He was also responsible for the founding of communities of his followers which became the first Christian monasteries.  


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This will be the last weekend if you would like to contribute to our normal Church Building and Maintenance Fund Collection for the month of January.


A box meant for the church building & maintenance fund collection is situated at the back of the church.  Please be generous towards our second collection as this greatly helps maintain our church and grounds.


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The annual second collection to help support the work of our own Justice and Peace Commission in Scotland, which was due last weekend will now be taken up at all Masses on the weekend of 18th/19th & 25th/26th January 2025.


A box intended for the Justice & Peace Commission Collection will be situated at the back of the church for the next two weeks beginning next weekend. I hope you will contribute with your usual generosity to this collection. 


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Liturgy rota for Readers (January – March 2025) for 5pm (Saturday) &10am & 11.30am (Sunday) Masses is available in the sacristy. Please collect a copy before or after any of the Sunday Masses. Thanks to Mrs Anne Moran for giving her time to prepare the readers rota. If you are able to be part of this important ministry, then please contact Mrs. Anne Moran or Fr. Cirilo.


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We will resume the Children’s Liturgy sessions on Sunday 26th January 2025 at 10am Mass.


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Our next pastoral planning committee meeting will take place on Tuesday (21st January 2025) at 7pm in the church house. Minutes of the last meeting and the agenda for the next meeting can be found on the notice board at the back of the church.


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Many thanks to those who, from time to time, replace and pay for the flowers on the side altars. Their kindness and generosity is greatly appreciated.


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I am still looking for volunteers who would be willing to read from the Holy Scriptures during weekday and Sunday Masses. Readings would include passages from the Old Testament, the Responsorial Psalm, and the New Testament (as well as our parish prayer intentions). If you would like to help our parish, please get in touch with Mrs. Anne Moran, our readers’ rota organiser, or Fr. Cirilo. Thanks are extended to the parishioners who have been part of this ministry for many years, those who have helped us as readers in the past and finally, those who have recently volunteered.


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Thank you to all our parish volunteers [Irene Savage, Rose Hewitt, Rita Kelly, Anne McCafferty, Bernadette Goodwin, Frances Goodwin, Jane Ngomo & Anne Lennon] who generously gave of their time to clean the Church yesterday (Saturday). It makes all the difference! We are very lucky in St. Cadoc’s that our church is cleaned every third Saturday. Many on coming to church comment on how clean, tidy and welcoming our church is, and that is testament to the wonderful cleaning team. We could do with more people willing to give of their time every three weeks to help with general cleaning of the church which takes place on a Saturday morning. If you would like to help with cleaning, please contact Anne Lennon, the parish co-ordinator, or Fr. Cirilo. 


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As part of this renewal project, children from St. Cadoc’s Primary School will be bringing the offering gifts in procession today at 10 am Mass (second Sunday of the month). I thank Mrs Faloon, the head teacher, and other staff members of St. Cadoc’s Primary School for taking this initiative and for her commitment to get pupils more involved in the life of the parish. Thank you also to the parents, guardians and carers for making the efforts for their presence at Mass and for bringing their children to our Sunday Mass on regular basis.


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We are well into the cold season now. Keeping warm over the winter months is vital for our well-being and also to protect the fabric of the building from both surface and interstitial condensation, no matter how full the pews. And that means high heating bills.


Since the aftermath of Covid-19, the cost of living, from buying groceries to heating our church and presbytery, has been on the rise sharply every day. Overall, our expenditures have increased faster than income. Our parish relies entirely on your contributions to pay our bills. I kindly appeal to your generosity to add an extra pound or two to your weekly contributions to help defray, in particular this winter, the high costs of energy bills.


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parking in the streets

surrounding the church


Unfortunately, parishioners of St. Cadocs’ who drive to church are in a situation where there is no private parking within the church grounds. The streets surrounding the church   therefore invariably become congested with parked cars especially at weekend Mass times. Whilst acknowledging the limitations of parking in relation to the church, I would ask those drivers attending services to consider the needs of local residents to have unimpeded access to their properties when choosing where to responsibly park. You can also use our car park which is situated behind the church. It can accommodate 6 cars.



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12th January 2025: “We pray for the families and friends of pregnant women, that they would recognise their responsibility to care for the mother and child, and shower them with love and support through the journey of pregnancy and beyond”


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an act of spiritual communion


 (St. Alphonsus Liguori)


(This is a simple and loving act of Spiritual Communion we are called to make in these times,

while we are unable to attend Mass and receive the Eucharist)


My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.

I embrace you as if you were already there

and unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.


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prayer to st. michael


St. Michael the Archangel,

defend us in the day of battle.

Be our safeguard against the wickedness

and snares of the Devil.

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,

and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Hosts,

by the power of God, cast into Hell Satan, and all the evil spirits

who prowl the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.






bunch of flowers, bouquet de fleurs



Holy mary, mother of god,

 st. Joseph,

st. Michael and holy angels,


Pray for us