Sunday Masses: Saturday Vigil Mass at 5pm; Sunday at 10am & 11.30am.
WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday to Friday at 10am.
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION): Anytime on request and Saturday 4.15pm – 4.45pm.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: To enquire or arrange a baptism, please contact the parish by phoning the parish number from Tuesday to Friday between 4pm - 6pm.
SICK & HOUSEBOUND - Please inform me (Fr. Rodrigues) if you, or someone you know, would like a home visit from a priest, and please provide me with the relevant name, address and phone number.
SACRAMENT OF CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE: Couples intending to marry should contact the Priest for arrange a date. By Diocesan policy, this must be done at least six months in advance.
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First Reading – (Isaiah 6: 1-8) – When Isaiah was called by God to be a prophet his first reaction was to declare his unworthiness. But then, cleansed of his sins, he responded at once to God’s call.
Responsorial Psalm – In the presence of the angels I will praise you, O Lord.
Second Reading – (1 Corinthians 15:1-11) – St. Paul energetically defends the doctrine of Christ’s resurrection from the dead. At the same time he insists that he is the least of all the apostles.
Gospel Reading – (Luke 5:1-11) – This relates the miraculous catch of fish and the call of Peter to share in the work of Christ.
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INTROUCTION: Dear brothers and sisters, having listened to the word of God, in faith and humility we turn to him with our prayers.
The response is… Lord graciously hear us.
╬ We pray for those who handed the gift of faith on to us: that their example may encourage us to do the same and to keep following Christ, especially when we’re put off or tempted to give up. Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.
╬ We pray for peace: that God may inspire all who work to reduce tensions particularly in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, so that all parties may understand one another’s concerns and open new paths to peace. Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.
╬ We pray for all young people who are preparing this year for their First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion or to receive the sacrament of Confirmation: that they will always keep Jesus at the centre of their lives. Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.
╬ We pray for each one of us: that in listening to the World of God, we may respond with the generosity of the fishermen, and follow Jesus with faith, commitment and charity. Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.
╬ We pray for all the sick of our families and our parish, those in hospital, in hospice or nursing home and those for whom we are asked to pray: that God may give them strength and fortitude, and bless those who care for them. Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.
╬ We pray for the souls of all those whose anniversaries, months mind and birthday remembrances we are asked to recall, as well as those who have recently died: that they may receive the reward of their faith and enjoy the happiness of heaven. Lord, hear us; Lord graciously hear us.
CONCLUSION: God our Father, despite our unworthiness, you call us to follow you. As you hear our prayers, make us faithful in responding to your call. We make this prayer and all our prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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SICK – Adriana Triano, Rona McPhee, Ann McKenna, Mary McKenna, Rose Gallagher, Thérèse McKeand, Mary McCafferty, Edward McCafferty, Stuart Mason, Martin McGuire, David O’Hare & James Hannaway.
I also ask your prayers for the sick and housebound
– those at home in our parish community, those in hospital,
and those in local nursing and care homes in Cambuslang, Halfway
& Blantyre and elsewhere. Our prayers for them
not only help in their suffering and pain but also reassure them
that they are not forgotten by our community of faith.
Our prayers help relieve their feelings of isolation and loneliness.
To be remembered before the Altar of God
brings them comfort and consolation.
Almighty and Eternal God, you are the everlasting health
of those who believe in you.
Hear us for your sick servants
for whom we implore the aid of your tender mercy,
that being restored to bodily health,
they may give thanks to you in your Church.
Through Christ our Lord.
Our Lady, Help of the Sick, pray for them.
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60TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY – Tommy O’Donnell & Moira O’Donnell.
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RECENTLY DEAD – Anne Daly (Requiem Mass, Tuesday 18th February 2025 at 10am), Gerald Hastings, Robert Kielty, Michael McCormick & Arthur Augaitis.
ANNIVERSARIES – Patrick Dolan (7th Anniversary), Sarah Maria Topping, Elizabeth Paul, Patrick McLaughlin (26th Anniversary), Tommy Smith (30th Anniversary), Patrick Coyle.
BIRTHDAY REMEMBRANCE – Sheila Folan & Ronnie Grant.
Eternal Rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let Perpetual Light shine upon them.
May they Rest in Peace. Amen.
Rev. Bartholomew Flynn 25/02/1949
Rev. Dermott McMullan 01/02/1960
Rev. Michael Maher 02/02/1970
Rev Richard Lillis 12/02/1973
Rev. Joseph Martin 28/02/1991
Rev. James J. Keegan 03/02/1999
Rev. Walter Scott 01/02/2013
Very Rev. Kieran O’Farrell 17/02/2014
Rev. Sean O’Shea 19/02/2018
Very Rev. Andrew Canon Reen 16/02/2019
May the Lord who chose them to serve him as priests,
number them among his chosen in heaven.
Requiescant in Pace.
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St Scholastica, sister to St Benedict, is remembered on Monday. Tuesday is the optional commemoration of Our Lady of Lourdes and the World Day of Prayer for the sick. It marks the first apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1858 to fourteen-year-old Marie Bernade (St. Bernadette) Soubirous. Between February 11 and July 16, 1858, the Blessed Virgin appeared eighteen times, and showed herself to St. Bernadette in the hollow of the rock at Lourdes. On March 25 she said to the little shepherdess who was only fourteen years of age: "I am the Immaculate Conception." Since then Lourdes has become a place of pilgrimage and many cures and conversions have taken place. The message of Lourdes is a call to personal conversion, prayer, and charity. Friday is the Feast of ‘the Apostles of the Slavs’ - St. Cyril (+869) and St. Methodius (+884). Born in the Balkans and members of the Greek rite, these brothers after distinguished early careers brought the Gospel message to the people of the Slav nations and gave them a liturgy in their own tongue. Sadly, they had to face opposition and even incarceration by Latin-Rite bishops from Germany who tried to evangelise some of the same territories. Symbolically important in our own age of vernacular liturgy and ecumenism, Pope John Paul II in 1984 declared them co-patrons of the continent of Europe along with St. Benedict, the sixth century abbot of Monte Cassino and father of Western Monasticism.
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This will be the last weekend if you would like to contribute to our normal Church Building and Maintenance Fund Collection for the month of February. A box meant for the Church Building & Maintenance Fund Collections is situated at the back of the church. Please be generous towards our second collection as this greatly helps pay for essentials such as continued maintenance and much needed repairs to our parish buildings and existing facilities.
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The annual collection to help support the Sick and Retired Priests of the diocese will be taken up at all Masses for the next two weeks (15th/16th February 2025 & 22ns/23rd February 2025) beginning next weekend. This collection ensures our elderly and sick priests are financially supported in their senior years, after years of service to God and their parishioners.
Our priests baptised us, counselled us in times of sorrow, and celebrated with us in times of joy. Since we have received so much from their generosity, it is now our turn to assist them in their old age. By giving to the sick and retired priests’ fund, you can ensure that their housing, medical, convalescence, companionship and spiritual support needs are met. A box intended for this worthwhile cause is situated at the back of the church for the next two weeks beginning next weekend. Please be generous as you can in your support of this appeal and please continue to pray for our clergy - active, retired and ill, as well as those who have passed on.
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The Children’s Liturgy of the Word takes place at 10am Mass (except school holidays). I encourage parents, guardians & carers to bring their children to the church to participate in our children’s liturgy. Our young ones are the future of our parish. Their participation in parish activities, such as the children’s liturgy, is an important step in their faith formation. It is my humble and hearty request to parents, guardians & carers that you bring your children to a Sunday Mass on a regular basis.
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Congratulations to Tommy O’Donnell & Moira O’Donnell on the celebration of their 60th Wedding Anniversary on Thursday 13th February 2025. As we thank God for them and for all of the years that they have had together, we pray that God will continue to grant them many more years of happiness together and bless their family.
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Our gratitude to the Parish Offertory Counting Team for giving of their time to count our offertory collections last weekend in spite of their family commitments and for depositing the money in the bank.
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As part of this renewal project, children from St. Cadoc’s Primary School will be bringing the offering gifts in procession today at 10 am Sunday Mass (second Sunday of the month). I thank Mrs Faloon, the head teacher, and other staff members of St. Cadoc’s Primary School for taking this initiative and for her commitment to get pupils more involved in the life of the parish. Thank you also to the parents, guardians and carers for their presence at Mass and for bringing their children to our Sunday Mass on regular basis.
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The Annual Special Collection for the support of the Justice and Peace Commission, which was taken up at the weekend of 18th/19th January 2025 & 25th/26th January 2025, realised £378.50. Thank you for your generous contribution.
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Thank you to all our parish who generously gave of their time to clean the Church on Saturday of the last week. It makes all the difference! We could do with more people willing to give of their time every three weeks to help with general cleaning of the church which takes place on a Saturday morning. If you would like to help with cleaning, please contact Anne Lennon, the parish co-ordinator, or Fr. Cirilo.
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We are moving into the final month of winter until spring arrives. Keeping warm during the cold weather is vital for our well-being and also to protect the fabric of the building from both surface and interstitial condensation, no matter how full the pews. And that means high heating bills. I kindly appeal to your generosity to add an extra pound or two to your weekly contributions to help defray, in particular this winter, the high costs of energy bills. A big thank you to those of you who have already increased your regular giving to help defray the rising energy bills. If I could remind you once again, please be mindful of closing the main door of the church to keep the heat in, and the cold out.
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We are looking for more passkeepers especially for 11.30am Sunday Mass. The ministers of welcome are commonly called the passkeepers. Passkeepers have very diverse roles. The responsibilities of the pass keepers include welcoming people to Mass and other events in the church and ensuring any materials (e.g., weekly bulletins, hymn books and leaflets) are distributed to, and collected from, congregations. Pass keepers also provide practical support by ensuring that Offertory collections are undertaken with little disruption to the Mass and that proceeds are left in front of the altar and ensure that those presenting the gifts are ready to do so. If anyone is interested in joining this ministry, please contact Fr. Rodrigues.
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I am still looking for volunteers who would be willing to read from the Holy Scriptures during weekday and Sunday Masses. Readings would include passages from the Old Testament, the Responsorial Psalm, and the New Testament (as well as our parish prayer intentions). If you would like to help our parish, please get in touch with Mrs. Anne Moran, our readers’ rota organiser, or Fr. Cirilo. Thanks are extended to the parishioners who have been part of this ministry for many years, those who have helped us as readers in the past and finally, those who have recently volunteered.
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Many thanks to those who have answered our appeal. We are still looking for new members. If you pay tax on income/pension the church can claim back the tax through the Gift-Aid Scheme. Forms are available at the back of the church if anyone wishes to join the scheme. If you have any queries about the Gift Aid system, please contact the parish Gift Aid organiser, Mr. Jim Cunningham or Fr. Cirilo. Alternatively, you can contribute to the Sunday Mass collections via a direct debit or standing order arrangement with your bank. Thank you once again for your enduring generosity and support.
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parking in the streets
surrounding the church
Unfortunately, parishioners of St. Cadocs’ who drive to church are in a situation where there is no private parking within the church grounds. The streets surrounding the church therefore invariably become congested with parked cars especially at weekend Mass times. Whilst acknowledging the limitations of parking in relation to the church, I would ask those drivers attending services to consider the needs of local residents to have unimpeded access to their properties when choosing where to responsibly park. You can also use our car park which is situated behind the church. It can accommodate 6 cars.
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9th February 2025: “On Tuesday, we commemorate the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and World Day of Prayer for the Sick. Let us especially pray for all those who are nearing the end of their lives, that they may experience God’s comfort and peace. We pray too for medical professionals who work in hospice care, that they might continue to safeguard the dignity and wellbeing of all patients, made in the image and likeness of God.”
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an act of spiritual communion
(St. Alphonsus Liguori)
(This is a simple and loving act of Spiritual Communion we are called to make in these times,
while we are unable to attend Mass and receive the Eucharist)
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the
Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there
and unite myself wholly to you.
Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.
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prayer to st. michael
St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in the day of battle.
Be our safeguard against the wickedness
and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Hosts,
by the power of God, cast into Hell Satan, and all the evil spirits
who prowl the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Holy mary, mother of god,
st. Joseph,
st. Michael and holy angels,
Pray for us